
Mohammed Fadhil Ali


Objective: Assessment of internet addiction among adolescents at Al-Nasiriya city centerMethodology: A cross sectional study of "non-probability" sample of (100 ) students from several schools at AL-Nasiriya city for the period from December 15th 2021 to January 29th of 2022.The results : The study shows that the overall assessment for the internet addiction among adolescents is moderate.Conclusion : Internet addiction means that the user spends 40 hours or more per week connected to the internet observed manifestations of addiction, the most important of which are: preoccupation with intense thinking about the internet while the line is closed,.. etc. Adolescence is the stage in which new manifestations, skirmishes and conflict appear, and an attempt to prove Self-realization with adults and if does not succeed, slips into the deflection shafts. The importance of the study is due to the fact that it is linked to one of the most important means of modern communication, which is the Internet as a phenomenon prevalent among adolescents of both sexes and the extent to which this means is important to them, their method and motives for using it and its impact on their psychological well-being. Results of study shows the internet addiction among adolescents is moderate. The study recommending that focusing on increase awareness among adolescents in schools about the problem of misuse of the Internet, and ways to positively benefit from it.

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internet addiction; adolescents.

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