
Alyaa K. Mohsin Bassim SH. Hamad Mohammed J. Hanawi


The use of pesticides against The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) has become an obstacle to the fresh agricultural products. The alternatives strategy based on the use of microbiological agents. The pathogenicity of the local  isolate Beauveria bassiana (B53 andB100 isolates) was evaluated against immature stages and adult of C. capitata under laboratory conditions. Clear dose-dependent mortality was observed among the both different isolates of the EPFs tested against adults. There was a direct positive relationship between mortality and concentration. The highest larval mortality was 74.3 %, at the highest conidia concentration for isolate B53. The lowest LC50 against adults was observed in B53 (1.25*103 conidia mL-1. Significant differences were observed among different concentrations of isolate B53 and B100 for larvae of  C.capitata at 12 days post-treatment. The highest mortality (69.7% and 63.7%) was observed at the highest conidial concentration of both isolates respectively. 50% lethal dose for larvae was 4.8*105 conidia mL-1 for isolate B53 and 4*106 conidia mL-1 for isolate B100.  Conclusion: Our results indicate that B. bassiana isolate B53 was the most lethal against the larvae, pupae, and adults of C.capitata.

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entomopathogenic fungi, keratitis, pathogenicity, bioassay, Beauveria bassiana.

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