A Case of Neurofibromatosis with Seizure Disorder
According to studies, NF1 is associated with an increased prevalence of seizures that varies between 4% and 10%. The increasing occurrence of epilepsy in this cohort is mostly caused by brain tumours associated to NF1, according to recent evidence from individuals with NF1 and seizures. Multiple hyperpigmented cutaneous macules first appeared throughout childhood, marking the beginning of the condition. We report an unusual case of a Seizure disorder with features of neurofibromatosis like several café au lait macules over body,Lisch nodules and neurofibroma with hereditary history Neurofibromatosis. The Boy has diffused swelling that is 4 cm × 3 cm in size as well as coffee-colored patches all over his body. The NF-1 diagnosis was made using the diagnostic criteria established by the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference; two or more criteria were needed to establish a diagnosis.
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Café au lait spots, neurofibroma type 1, von Recklinghausen disease