Psychological Combustion and Its Relationship to the Psychological Toughness of the Players of Excellent Grade Clubs with Handball
Psychological combustion is a psychological phenomenon that impedes athletic achievement and affects the level of Super League handball players because this phenomenon is characterized by many dimensions, some of which affect the level of Super League handball players due to the convergence of levels between teams and the high level of competition, which has led to a focus on training or technical aspects.research problem, in the opinion of the researcher, is that developing psychological skills and knowing their levels and interconnectedness to cope with pressures may help to create psychological potential that contributes to enabling players to reduce those pressures of burning and its dimensions as much as possible and the fact that the researcher is a follow-up to most teams in the Iraqi Super League which The level of development and rapid transition of this game and the level of convergence between teams made the level of ambition with a ceiling even higher than the managers and management staff of the Iraqi Super League with a handball to put on these players a huge amount of physical and psychological stresses and high emotion for long periods and draw goals that may not fit their psychological abilities And put a high emotional pressures for long periods and setting goals that may not be compatible with their psychological capabilities, and therefore the ceiling of ambition will be at a level that intersects with the level of the player in the Premier League, or that the players put themselves under the goal of high-ceiling goals that they may not be able to catch up with because they are not compatible with the technical levels or capabilities. Their subjectivity, which causes the emergence of this phenomenon and its various dimensions at early times, and from here crystallizes from what was raised above a set of questions that define the dimensions of the problem and surround the subject of choosing this study and try to develop effective solutions to it. Which: What is the importance of knowing a number of psychological phenomena and overlapping them and how they affect handball players.
- Is there a correlation between the subjects of the study and the extent of their influence on the players of handball for the Premier League.
- The lack of studies on the subject of psychological combustion and linking them to subjects such as the psychological toughness of handball players to the Premier League.
- What is the role of psychological combustion on handball players and how hard the psychological role of Super League players is to reduce this.
The objectives of the research were to build and apply the psychological combustion dimension scale of players of excellent handball clubs. And the numbers and application of the psychological hardness scale of the players of the excellent grade clubs with handball. And setting standard levels for measuring the dimensions of psychological combustion and psychological hardness of players of excellent handball clubs. Recognize the level of dimensions of psychological combustion and toughness of players of excellent handball clubs. Recognize the relationship between the dimensions of the psychological combustion scale and the psychological toughness of players of excellent handball clubs. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the scanning manner due to its suitability to the nature of the current study. The research community and sample were identified in a comprehensive manner by the 2022-2023 players of the Iraqi Super League clubs with a handball for the season. The 223 players represented (15) a club. The sample was chosen in a deliberate manner and the 190 players were (85.20%). The most important findings ranged from medium- to high-level sample responses between the two measures of psychological combustion and psychological hardness.
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handball; psychological toughness; Psychological combustion