
Ahmed Falah Kadhim Muhammad Basem Sami Shaheed


This analytical study dealt with the most important obstacles facing the specialized boxing schools in Thi-Qar, boxing, like all other sports, faces many obstacles that greatly affect the training process, and thus affect the athletic level, these obstacles are the main obstacle to development and upgrading, so we must try to control these obstacles so that training can take on its main role and become an educational process that is subject to scientific foundations and principles, it mainly aims to prepare the individual fully to achieve the highest possible mathematical level in a certain type of sporting activity. Herein lies the problem of the research. The thesis aimed to: Constructing a scale for the most important obstacles facing boxing specialist schools in Thi-Qar. Identifying the most important obstacles facing boxing specialist schools in Thi-Qar. The researcher used the descriptive survey method due to its suitability to the nature of the current study, as the nature of the phenomenon and the objectives set oblige the researcher to choose the appropriate method. The research sample was selected, where the research community reached (30) employees in the directorates of youth and sports, the department of athletic talent, and the specialized schools for boxing in Thi-Qar, the sample was selected using a comprehensive enumeration method, as it consisted of (30) employees, with a percentage of (100)% of the research community. Researcher concluded / It appears that the application sample has occurred at a high level

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Thi-Qar Governorate; specialist schools; Health

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